Spring Headstone Cleaning - 2023

Spring Headstone Cleaning - 2023
  • 29 Apr, 2023

There is no better way to serve our veterans that served our country so proudly after they are no longer with us. This year Ken Loudy along with his wife, Cindy, represented the Jeremiah Clark Chapter at this event. Ken and his wife spent 6 hours out in the rain, wind and cold cleaning headstones of our fallen Veterans at Great Lakes National Cemetery during their Annual Spring Headstone Cleaning Day. There was a pretty good turn out as there was people everywhere you looked. They went around the cemetery and cleaned up many of their family’s headstones along with the many friends they have buried there. Afterward they fell into line with everyone else and got the job done as they set out to do. Thanks to Ken and Cindy for their hard work.

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