Local Events & Celebrations

Spring Headstone Cleaning

  • Each spring, we pay tribute to our heroes by coming together for Spring Headstone Cleaning at veteran gravesites. With gratitude and respect, we renew these sacred spaces, ensuring our veterans' legacies shine brightly. Join us in this act of remembrance—honoring those who served with a heartfelt gesture of gratitude.

Memorial Day Flag Placement

  • On Memorial Day, we honor the brave men and women who defended our freedom. Join us in a touching tradition of placing flags on veterans' graves—a small yet powerful gesture of gratitude. Together, we remember and salute those who made the ultimate sacrifice, ensuring their memory lives on. Show your support by participating in this meaningful act of remembrance on Memorial Day.

Flag Day

  • Every Flag Day, we unite in a celebration of the symbol that binds us together—the American flag. Join us in honoring this emblem of unity, freedom, and resilience. Whether by displaying Old Glory proudly or participating in community events, let's stand together to recognize the significance of the Stars and Stripes.

Independence Day

  • As fireworks light up the night sky and barbecues sizzle, Independence Day beckons us to celebrate the enduring spirit of freedom. Join the festivities, embrace the patriotic vibes, and relish the joy of being part of a nation that values liberty and independence.

Oakland County Historical Society Ice Cream Social

  • Indulge in a delightful journey through time at the Oakland County Historical Society Ice Cream Social! Join us for an afternoon of historical tales and tasty treats, where the community comes together to savor ice cream and celebrate our shared heritage.

Constitution Week

  • During Constitution Week we reflect on the enduring principles that shape our nation's foundation. As we honor the document that guides our democracy, let's engage in discussions, activities, and events that celebrate the spirit of liberty and unity.

Cemetery Walk

  • During the fall we partner up with the local Sashabaw Plains DAR chapter for their cemetery walk. Embark on a fascinating journey through time and an immersive encounter with history. Join us as we explore the stories etched on gravestones, uncovering the lives, triumphs, and challenges of those who came before us. This unique experience offers a poignant blend of reflection and discovery, breathing life into the narratives of the past.

Veterans Day

  • On this day, we come together to express profound gratitude to veterans for their selfless dedication, bravery, and sacrifice. It serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring commitment of those who have defended and preserved the freedoms we cherish.

Wreaths Across America Day

  • On Wreaths Across America Day, we stand united to honor and remember the sacrifices of our nation's heroes. Join us in this heartfelt tradition as wreaths are laid on the graves of veterans, symbolizing our gratitude and remembrance. Let's come together to ensure that no hero is forgotten, and their legacy lives on.

For more information, please contact us.