Jeremiah served in the War of 1812. In 1831 he came to Detroit from New York state opening a bakery & grocery store there before coming to Clarkston. In 1838 Jeremiah &, brother, Nelson W. Clark purchased the Clarkston saw mill property of Butler Holcomb. They built a grist mill by 1839. Jeremiah planted the first apple trees in the area & built a sawmill on the shore of Crooked Lake. Jeremiah was Independence Township Supervisor, 1838-39 & 1843-44, Justice of the Peace in 1845 and a representative in the State Legislature in 1838 & 1841. Representative from Oakland County, 1839 and 1841. Was born in the State of Vermont, Sept. 19, 1790. When young he removed with his father to Madison County, N. Y. As a young man he was interested in the manufacture of salt for several years in Onondaga County, then at Albany, filled contracts on public works for the State. He came to Detroit in 1831, where he controlled a bakery and grocery for several years. He removed to a farm in Independence, Oakland County. In 1838 he built a grist mill at Clarkston. He served as Supervisor, Justice, and County Judge. He died at Dewitt (Syracuse), N. Y., Aug. 29, 1847.